Work insurance

Work insurance, also known as workers' compensation or occupational accident insurance, is important in Finland for several reasons. 


1.  Work insurance provides protection for employees in the event of work-related accidents or occupational diseases. It ensures that workers receive appropriate medical care, rehabilitation, and compensation for lost wages and permanent disability resulting from work-related incidents. This helps to safeguard the well-being and financial security of workers, and promotes a safe and healthy work environment. 


2.  Work insurance helps to prevent employers from facing significant financial liabilities in case of workplace accidents or illnesses. By requiring employers to pay work insurance premiums, it distributes the costs of workplace risks and accidents across the business community, preventing individual employers from bearing the full burden of such costs. 


3.  Work insurance promotes workplace safety and prevention of accidents and illnesses, as it incentivizes employers to implement safety measures and risk management practices to minimize workplace hazards. It also provides resources for training, education, and research to improve occupational safety and health standards.


In summary, paying work insurance in Finland is important as it protects workers' well-being, prevents employers from facing excessive liabilities, and promotes workplace safety and prevention of work-related accidents and illnesses.


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